Artwork Description

This sculpture composition consisting of a family of three Beavers, together in a half circular formation, laughing together, basking in the sun, and enjoying the moment. The beaver is an emblem we’re reminded of every time we fish a nickel out of our pockets, walk past a Roots Canada store, stop to look at the Hudson’s Bay Company of Bank of Montreal coat of arms and sign up young kids to be Beaver Scouts, making this artwork very Canadian. The sculpture symbolizes the importance of family, such as relatives, friends, neighbors, or people you share a community with. The cohesiveness of the composition represents community, and also the importance of enjoying life, each other, and laughing whenever we can. Because laughter crosses over all cultural and language boundaries, it is universal in its meaning. It brings everyone together regardless of ethnicity of culture, and it reminds us that “ Life is Beautiful”.

Life Is Beautiful-SOLD

By鲁道夫·索科洛夫斯基(Rudolf Sokolovski) (雕塑)

Original Sculpture

Resin, Gold Leaf, Mahogany

21 x 36 x 24

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Artist Biography

鲁道夫·索科洛夫斯基(Rudolf Sokolovski) (雕塑)擅长构造主义和线性表现主义。他认为:“在空间中分配质量以及形态和节奏线条的流动用于表达情感。可见与不可见之间的关系同样重要。”——鲁道夫·索科洛夫斯基(雕塑)。
鲁道夫·索科洛夫斯基(Rudolf Sokolovski)(雕塑)构造主义与线性表现主义——“在空间中分布质量,以及形态和节奏线条的流动来表达情感。可见与不可见之间的关系同样重要。”——鲁道夫·索科洛夫斯基(Rudolf Sokolovski) (雕塑).

鲁道夫·索科洛夫斯基(Rudolf Sokolovski)是一位生活在加拿大温哥华的艺术家和设计师。他出生于乌克兰的敖德萨,师从其父亲、国际知名艺术家瓦列里·索科洛夫斯基(Valeri Sokolovski),从中接受了艺术教育和训练。早年接触欧洲古典艺术和苏联现实主义,再加上多年游历世界、研究艺术文化和不同风格的经历,使他走上了一条发展自己独特表达方式的道路,这种风格被形容为强烈、感性且现代。他的作品曾在电影、杂志、媒体、个人展览、群展以及国际艺术博览会上展出。



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