Love Letter 01 - SOLD

ByZachary Chang

Mixed Media on Canvas
32 x 24 in | 80 x 60 cm

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Artist Biography

Zachary Chang (Chinese name is Zhang Zhigang) was born in Suzhou, China. He is a visiting professor at Hong Kong International Arts College, affiliate artist of the French Circle Foundation for the Arts, director of the American Alliance of International Contemporary Artists, research of the Chinese Painting Research Institute, resident artist of the Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum, and member artist of the China Artists Association Hainan Province Branch.
Zachary Chang (Chinese name is Zhang Zhigang) was born in Suzhou, China. He is a visiting professor at Hong Kong International Arts College, affiliate artist of the French Circle Foundation for the Arts, director of the American Alliance of International Contemporary Artists, research of the Chinese Painting Research Institute, resident artist of the Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum, and member artist of the China Artists Association Hainan Province Branch.
His works have been included in some world-famous art exhibitions, such as American ArtPrize Eight, Miami Art Week, New York Armory Art Week, Art Basel Switzerland, and Venice Biennale. He has received many awards, such as the Excellence Award by the French Circle Foundation for the Arts, Gold Prize in the Hong Kong World Chinese Art Exhibition, Excellence Award in the 3rd Independent Character Contest, etc. The artist archive containing his works, exhibitions, honors, and publications over the past decade, has been permanently collected by the Chinese Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archives Museum.
Zachary Chang specializes in using various materials (such as natural sand, stone, trees, industrial rubber, stainless steel, pipes, etc.) in his creations. His practice includes mixed media paintings and installations. In addition to being collected by art institutions and individuals, his works have also been widely used to decorate houses, clubs, and other public places to promote artistic tastes.

Awards and Honors
2020 Works have been published in Illustrated Guide to Contemporary Youth
Works have been published in Chinese Abstract Art Literature
Works have been published in China New Contemporary Art Images 20202019 Honorable Mention for the French Circle Foundation for the Arts(CFA) Artist
of the Year
Honorable Mention Award, San Diego International Art Exhibition
Excellence Award, the 3rd Independent Character Prize
2018 The 3rd Prize, Zhejiang Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition
2017 Excellence Award, CFA, France
2016 Gold prize, Hong Kong Chinese Art Exhibition of Hongkong City Hall, Hongkong
The 20th Artavita Online Art Contest Award, USA
The ArtPrize Eight, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Artist of the Year, TopArt, China
2015 Being selected into the CACF Chinese and Western Art Education Art
Exchange Visiting Mission for art exchanges in France
2014 Being selected into the CACF New Zealand Painting Art Exchange VisitingMission for art exchanges in New Zealand Painting
Zhang Zhigang Art Documents, Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archives MuseumDiscrete Five Elements YZ Series, Beisong Painting Academy
Everything, Shanlin Culture
Liberation SY4-5 Series, Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum
Liberation SY6, Chengdu China Broadway
Liberation Formlessness No.1”, Xiamen Shuiding Art Museum
Liberation4C-6, Zhejiang Buddhist Temple Art Club
Romance of New Zealand”, Chinese Painting Research Institute
Nirvana, Art Museum of China, LA, USA
Spiral and Stacked Tower( public sculpture), Doctor and Academician Industrial Park, Hainan

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